Amazing Classroom Management Ideas To Implement

Amazing Classroom Management Ideas To Implement

Amazing Classroom Management Ideas To Implement

Classrooms are not merely a place where students come to spend their time & return home. Schools help shape minds, build character of students, and create an environment that is comfortable for children to thrive & discover themselves. Albert Einstein once said, ‘Education is the movement from darkness to light’ and IB schools do what it takes to create an enclave where the lamp of learning is ignited in early years and stays with the child forever. In recent times, education and technology is being combined to create fun opportunities for students under the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) curriculum which is readily being adopted in the GCC regions and everywhere else.

Here are some classroom management ideas that will make learning fun for everyone and children will come to love attending school each day;

#1 Give Opportunity to Develop Friendships

Teachers must give time to students, so that they can interact with each other and develop healthy bonds. Friendships help kids develop emotional well-being such as communication skills and problem-solving abilities. They learn to become more outgoing and come to share their emotions with others. Ones self-confidence and self-worth is boosted thanks to social skills. When students collaborate together on project-work, they start enjoying studies and help each other clear concepts. The Mathletics platform which is widely available in UAE region is a comprehensive online tool that facilitates play-way activities, especially for math subject.

#2 Encourage Circle Time

Circle time is a fun and fascinating activity that engages students in social interactions and gives them the opportunity to build bonds. So, the teacher instructs the class to form a circle and then children move around playing games & competing with one another. Not only this, but they also share stories & experiences with each other and open-up to classmates about their likes & personal lives. Some examples of circle-time activities are; dance & freeze where children dance to music & then freeze when the music stops. Passing the hula-hoop ring through each other is a game that almost all of us must have played at some point in time & makes for an amazing circle time special

#3 Offer Reward & Recognition

It’s not just marks that a student can be judged by, but the overall development must be considered. Studies & activities are given equal focus and schools do what it takes to applaud achievements. Recognize students for being punctual to class, celebrate their extra-curricular success, and cheer them for their good habits. Validation doesn’t necessarily have to be about good grades, but it can be about writing a good remark in the diary, or appreciating the child during a parent-teachers meeting. This keeps the student motivated so they can continue to show improvement.

#4 Give Some Free-Time

Bogging down children with studies and too much homework isn’t going to help. Students need equal amounts of downtime to absorb what was taught in class. Like an office set-up, IB schools in Dubai & Middle East have break-out spots with indoor games such as carrom & table tennis for children to play and channelize their energy towards destressing. This time can be used by them to pay a visit to the library or even catching up with classmates at the canteen.

#5 Practice Role Play Activities

Make a habit of demonstrating positive behaviors and attitudes as an educator, so that children observe & model through. Build a conversation between two children and teach them to speak politely to each other, maintain eye contact, and start a discussion that includes kind words & body language. The idea is to mold them to be more socially acceptable citizens of the world.

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Make Your Child Future Ready: Virtual Coding Lessons To Adopt

Make Your Child Future Ready: Virtual Coding Lessons To Adopt

Make Your Child Future Ready: Virtual Coding Lessons To Adopt

In the last few decades everything has become computerized and digitized. There is no task that is performed without the use of a computer or machine. From simply heating water in the microwave to sending rockets into space; everything involves coding.

What is coding? Todays, world considers coding to be one of the most desired skills and has been one of the highest-paying jobs all throughout the GCC, UAE and Middle East. Coding is the basic knowledge required to have diversified career opportunities as well as to create software applications.

There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world and only 300 programming languages that a computer understands. They are collectively called Programming Languages. The ability to write down instructions in a programming language and manner that a computer can understand is called Coding. Through coding, we can make it perform a variety of functions – in other words, we can develop software, websites, applications, video games and so much more.

There are several reasons why it’s vital to learn how to code, and why it should be taught in schools at a young age. Children are innately curious. It is also easier to teach them to think logically at a young age, because stronger foundations have already been laid. Chances of success are higher the earlier they start learning to code.

There are several reasons why it’s vital to learn how to code, and why it should be taught in schools at a young age. Children are innately curious. It is also easier to teach them to think logically at a young age, because stronger foundations have already been laid. Chances of success are higher the earlier they start learning to code.

With Robotify, coding and robotics is made more affordable and accessible. Many schools in Dubai have been opting for it as students have access to the latest robots without ever having to purchase real hardware. Robotify uses a browser, so there is no need to download any programs or apps. It can be used on any device from laptops, to tablets, and even your smart phone. Just simply log in, choose your topic and get coding.

Robotify also presents many leagues which you can sponsor or take part in. These are usually for advanced levels of coding where you can participate global, virtual robotics competitions.

VRAD has teams registered to compete anywhere in the world with any device. Robotify in partnership with The REC Foundation has created the world’s first global multiplayer virtual aerial drone competition.

Martian Survival – In this NASA-themed challenge, participants will program their drones to operate remotely on Mars and compete to collect resources for their space base. The mission is to explore, retrieve, and manage fuel supply by adapting strategy and drone sensors/algorithms to survive the harsh Martian environment. It allows the participant to engage in programming and the design process just like a real NASA astronaut. There are two teams; the blue and the red which you will be a part of.

And if space exploration does not excite you so much there are many such upcoming leagues that you can be a part of and they will be just as exciting and interesting.

Just sign up with Robotify and you are ready to go.

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Designing A Drone Delivery System: The TechnoKids Way

Designing A Drone Delivery System: The TechnoKids Way

Designing A Drone Delivery System: The TechnoKids Way

There have been such vast improvements in the field of technology and the digital world that schools today no longer teach obsolete systems and functions that we learnt once upon a time. Digital learning starts at an early age in schools all through GCC, Middle East and the UAE. Coding is taught as early as the fourth or fifth grade which enables the children to write their own programs and create videos. This keeps them interested, stimulated and motivated to create more and more. It is no wonder then that teens create apps that are worth millions of dollars today.

A very useful tool for this is the Scratch program. Scratch is a free, block-based programming language aimed primarily at children where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Scratch is used all over the world especially in Dubai to teach students using a block like interface. Technokids also uses Scratch for its collection of technology projects with ready-made lessons which can be used independently or even blended into an existing curriculum unit. Coding facilitators, home-school educators and media specialists can combine technology projects to form a course with the customizable resources. Technokids has over 40 projects which are arranged by grades and include a teacher guide, student workbook, customizable resources and instructional material.

One such project from the vast matrix of Technokids is designing a prototype of a drone delivery system, thereby solving real world problems using the arsenal of artificial intelligence they now have at their disposal. For each programming task, they outline the decision-making process, as well as the possibilities and limitations of the technology. Upon completion students select one of their prototypes and present the AI solution to a group of potential investors or teachers. Technokids uses a hands-on learning technique which is open ended and keeps students engaged and motivated. This allows students to pursue their own interests as they define a problem that the AI can solve. Learners can build a prototype as well as design a test code to refine the program.

They begin by using Scratch to create a simple animation. From here on they will proceed to more complex commands whereby they design the prototype and use artificial intelligence to solve a common problem at school or at home. Then they have to build a simple program that flies a sprite-drone to collect items and then return to its original start point. Fine tuning will finally lead to a refined code to adjust to new delivery settings and object displacement. Upon completion they will reflect upon how drone technology can simplify real-world tasks.

Through this process with Technobot the learner will build a code that uses loops, variables, and operators; apply research strategies to find images to act as sprite-bots and test a program and debug the code. These are valuable aspects of the coding world which are taught engagingly at Technobot.

So, enroll your little genius with Technobot and set him on his way to being the youngest app creator used by millions and worth billions.

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What is Python? An Introduction to Game Based Python Course by CodeMonkey

What is Python? An Introduction to Game Based Python Course by CodeMonkey

What is Python? An Introduction to Game Based Python Course by CodeMonkey

Python is a programming language that is dynamic and is used by over 8.2 million developers worldwide. It has become the world’s most popular programming language lately and is used for multifold purposes.

The History of Python

This programming language was designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and was developed by Python Software Foundation. It was curated for easy readability of codes and to explain important concepts in fewer lines. The intention was to make coding as easy as ABC, thereby rendering it a suitable option for beginner-level coders, as well as experts. The project first started as a hobby out of the programmer’s boredom to do something during his Christmas break, until it grew so huge, that techies can’t imagine working without it today. Too good to be true indeed!


What is Python Used For?

Python is used for multiple reasons such as data analytics, machine learning, and even designing. Let us understand in greater detail why Python is such a favorite amongst coders.

Used for Artificial Intelligence

AI or Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of machines by adding human-like intelligence. To construct AI, the developer needs specific hardware and software for writing and training the machine learning algorithms. Python is reputed for being a stable programming language and can handle large amounts of data labels for analyzing information and making strong correlations. Moreover, AI is capable of solving complex problems, not letting the programmer down through his coding journey. Since it’s a universal language it has wide acceptability in Dubai & also globally.

Data Analytics

Just as AI needs Python to support its programming needs, data analytics also heavily relies on it. So, what exactly is data analytics? In simple terms, it is analyzing huge amounts of raw data and making meaningful conclusions over it. For great data manipulation, there is a requirement for an effective open-source language and Python is a perfect match for this purpose. The healthcare sector is constantly being facilitated by the usage of data analytics techniques to get insights into clinical information and diagnostic treatment for patients.

Web Development

Web developers love Python for creating informative websites, because of its advanced capabilities. This versatile language has the capacity to curate graphics, games, and web applications with utmost ease. It is also known for its high functionality and this translates into the development of amazing digital web properties. There are a lot of python libraries that you can access so that you don’t need to re-write certain basic functions, rather just use it from the library. Some important libraries are; Numpy, and scitLearn for data analysis & mathematical algorithms. Writing programs is a creative experience, and besides the above points, Python creates even more interesting opportunities to enhance the everyday coding experience.

What is CodeMonkey?

Code Monkey is a brilliant coding program for kids aged 6-14 years. Students learn to code in real programming language and over time it has become an award-winning platform. Children as young as 7 years start to solve puzzles and build gaming apps, as one does not need any prior experience to try their hands on using CodeMonkey. All the modules are easy, fun, and designed for school & extra-curricular reasons. Globally, the CodeMonkey app is such a rage that parents embrace this platform wholeheartedly and even schools in the UAE across the Middle East are advocates of the same.

CodeMonkey Lays the Foundation for Python Programming

In a game-like manner, the mascot Monkey from CodeMonkey is on a search for some bananas! Students will be entrusted with the responsibility of finding a path to help the monkey reach some bananas. The foundation of advanced computer science concepts is laid as children are introduced to the Python language. Kids will learn about sequencing, listing, indexing, looping, and variables, and align with the STEAM curriculum approach. 

Coding Concepts Taught through the Course

  • Sequencing
  • Lists & Indexing
  • For loops
  • Variables
  • If/Else Conditionals
  • While Loops
  • Boolean Operators
  • Functions

CodeMonkey indeed presents an unforgettable journey, helping students build a pathway for the monkey through advanced concepts. The lessons are pretty easy to understand and hints are provided at every step to make the experience more rewarding. For easy subscription to the CodeMonkey platform anywhere in the GCC area, just visit our website:

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Helping Your Child with Math Homework: A Few Tips To Follow

Helping Your Child with Math Homework: A Few Tips To Follow

Helping Your Child with Math Homework: A Few Tips To Follow

Life is a learning curve! There are skills in which one shines and does exceedingly well and there are areas where one grapples and needs further assistance. When the right approach is followed, no task can ever be as daunting. The same goes with math which is often dreaded as a topic. As a parent you would always want your child to succeed in every sphere. Should you find your child struggling with math, we have identified some steps below wherein you can help them and reshape it into a subject that they will love.

Fresh Outlook

The anxiety for the subject is natural. It is not something that only your children undergo. Even as adults you may not have seen a Pythagoras theorem, a Trigonometry table, or an Algebra equation in a long time. That shouldn’t stop you from taking the effort once again with your child to go about with this subject. Firstly, developing a positive mindset toward math is utmost crucial. It is important what message you want to put out for your child to eventually get through all the home assignments triumphantly.

Apply Concepts in Daily Life

Learning math concepts is the basic step but when children are able to apply those to real life situations is when they grasp these concepts for life and will never forget them. Parents can undertake little activities at home involving numbers and calculations such as knowing how many days are pending to the next birthday or anniversary, counting the proportions of various ingredients going into cooking a meal, calculating the Dubai mall shopping bill, calculating how much balance to take from the shopkeeper if they have purchased a toy, and many such little transactions outside of the classroom that will give them practical clarity to math. If you travel with your children outside the Middle East or GCC countries, the currencies will be new for them. You can show them the conversion difference and how to calculate between the other world currencies as compared to the UAE

Parent-Teacher Coordination

It is teamwork that matters. You must get in touch with your child’s teacher and get an idea of their capabilities and know accurately the concepts with which they particularly get stuck with and thus you can help your child with a strategic plan to go about with, while they do their homework. Math hasn’t changed much but the teaching practices have evolved over the years. So, you could also ask the teacher as to how math is presently being taught and that will aid you at home with your child.

Get Creative

There are times when children get caught up at the outset of a math equation or a problem. They may feel they are not taking the correct step, so you could take that pressure off them. It is alright even if they are wrong but they should not bother so much. Here is when you can brainstorm with them and figure out creatively and list different ways to solve it. The idea is to ease their thought process and look for solutions without getting worried

Ascertain Confidence

While doing math homework, motivate your children to think and come up with an answer. They could even refer to a similar problem. Ask them to take a guess at least once they have somewhat calculated it. The answer may or may not be correct. This will instill confidence in them to solve problems with more ease using reference and a bit of their own logic and knowledge

Mathseeds is a comprehensive online mathematics programme for children aged 3–9. It offers a huge range of carefully structured lessons, games and activities that build mathematical skills over a broad range of number, shape, and measurement topics. The Mathseeds online programme is packed full of enjoyable child-focused activities that makes learning a rewarding and meaningful experience. It teaches fundamental concepts in a fun, motivating and engaging way, whilst rewarding children for their efforts. Discover a fun way to grow your child’s math skills.

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