How to Conduct Creative Math Activities With LEGO® Coding Express Set

In the dynamic landscape of early childhood education, integrating technology and play can transform abstract concepts into tangible learning experiences. This blog dives into an engaging lesson plan that utilizes the Coding Express app by LEGO® Education to teach young minds about measuring distance, comparing lengths, and applying basic math concepts. The focus here is not just on numbers or creative math activities but also on hands-on exploration and collaboration. In the dynamic landscape of early childhood education, integrating technology and play can transform abstract concepts into tangible learning experiences. This blog dives into an engaging lesson plan that utilizes the Coding Express app by LEGO® Education to teach young minds about measuring distance, comparing lengths, and applying basic math concepts. The focus here is not just on numbers or creative math activities but also on hands-on exploration and collaboration.

‘Math – Distance’ Lesson Plan by LEGO® Education Coding Express Set

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of measuring distance.
  • Compare and contrast different distances.
  • Apply basic math skills in a coding context.

Setting the Stage for Learning:

The lesson starts with an engaging discussion focused on the concept of distance. Let’s take a moment to chat about something familiar – our journeys to school! How did you get here today? Was it a walk, a bike ride, or maybe a bus trip? Let’s explore why individuals opt for different modes; perhaps walking lets you enjoy the fresh air while a bus whisks you away quickly. Drawing parallels with the varying distances between walking and bus rides sets the stage for the day’s exploration.

Engaging in a Classroom Game:

The lesson incorporates a game to make the learning experience even more enjoyable. Teachers take the lead in designating specific spots in the classroom as “train stops” and encourage students to walk between them, counting their steps. This hands-on activity introduces the idea of measuring distance and sets the stage for comparing lengths.

Exploration with LEGO® Bricks:

The heart of the activity involves students working together to build models using LEGO® bricks. First, they team up to construct interesting train models and a special track with two ends. Then comes the exciting part – the Coding Express app, which is available in Dubai and other regions across the world! Use it to control the train and watch it zip and zoom along the track. But there’s a twist! To reach each train station, students need to choose the right numbers in the app. It’s akin to a puzzle that needs to be figured out, adding an element of fun to creative math activities. This magical app helps children understand how far the trains can travel, which sets the base for learning the concept of distance. So, get ready to build, experiment, and solve puzzles with your friends on this LEGO® Coding Express train adventure!

Encouraging Creativity and Exploration:

After mastering the train stations, the fun explodes! Build extra stops wherever students want, deciding how far apart they are – a quick bakery hop or a beach adventure? Become the train conductor, narrating your journey: where it started, which stops it passed, and its final destination. Did it cross bridges or zoom through tunnels? Let your student’s imagination run wild, and describe the whole adventure! This open-ended play sparks creativity, spatial awareness, and storytelling skills, serving as a prime example of creative math activities, all while solidifying your understanding of distance and how far your train can travel!

Assessment through Guided Questions:

Teachers will ask some fun questions to ensure everyone’s on the same track! They’ll want to know if children can remember the train’s order at each stop, just like telling a story. They’ll also ask the participants to ponder & infer where the train might go next and if one stop is closer or farther than another. Don’t worry; these questions help students understand how far the train travels and ensure they have the best train adventure ever!

More Ideas for Future Lessons:

Envision an added dose of excitement with more numbers! Picture extending tracks to explore greater distances, reaching destinations like mountains, forests, or neighboring towns. By constructing longer tracks, educators can introduce larger numbers in the app, observing their impact on how trains travel extended distances. Initiating discussions about comparing journeys becomes a key element, with questions such as, “Whose train covered the longest distance?” or “How many numbers were needed to reach the mountain?” This adaptability, essential for engaging in creative math activities, empowers educators to tailor subsequent lessons to the evolving needs of their students.

Objectives achieved:

  • Vocabulary Expansion: While the plan mentions introducing terms like “measure” and “step,” consider incorporating additional distance-related vocabulary like “near,” “far,” “short,” and “long” for richer understanding.
  • Assessment Variety: In addition to observation, consider incorporating short exit tickets or quick quizzes that align with creative math activities to assess individual student comprehension of key concepts.
  • Real-World Connections: The lesson could benefit from expanding on the real-world applications of distance measurement, perhaps by discussing distances during outdoor play class.

The ‘Coding Express Math Adventure’ provides an engaging approach to teaching distance, comparison, and basic math skills through a blend of technology, hands-on activities, and discussions, fostering a holistic learning experience. LEGO® Education’s Coding Express app, a beloved classroom companion, not only introduces coding concepts but also reinforces fundamental math principles through creative math activities. Ultimately, this lesson exemplifies how play, exploration, and technology converge to create a memorable and enriching learning journey for young minds.

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