How Home Schoolers Are Gradually Falling in Love with Math

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the world for us as we know it. The world has been forced into the digital age at speeds that will make your heads spin. Even those that did not propagate the option of working from home or homeschooling were forced to embrace it. Research in the UAE and data from over 130 parents, showed that the perception of home-schooling was mainly positive, and this change was welcomed by a large part of the parent body. Armed with this knowledge, academics from not only the Middle East but throughout the world have come forth with learning programs and lesson plans to help parents encourage home learning.

Every parent and student had to familiarize themselves with the concept of an online classroom, group communication, and software-based homework submission. Most reservations about the online method of learning were laid to rest as a very insignificant percentage of students reported a decline in interest or other related negative feedback. As e-learning became a way of life, more and more content emerged online with apps, programs and online platforms being dedicated to this style of education. One such online platform which is especially very favored by schools in Dubai is the Australian-owned Blake E-learning’s Mathseeds. Blake E-learning along with 3P Learning—the team behind the world’s most used educational website – Mathseeds created this leading, global EdTech platform.


Mathseeds is the perfect early learning maths program to form a strong base for math students. It syncs with all your devices for your convenience and can be set up in minutes. This program includes a personalised path with downloadable worksheets and a curriculum to support your pace of learning and math level. Fun characters and lessons use real-world examples and accompany you through your learning journey while providing instant assessments and reports, so you are aware of your progress. Numeracy skills and curriculum topics starting right from kindergarten to Grade 3 are covered in depth.

Homeschooling also requires increased parent/teacher involvement with lesson planning and guidance. This is where Mathseeds comes in to provide you with adaptive lessons and worksheets perfectly suited to your grade or topic. Skills can be practiced online or offline and cover activities that may not be convenient for you to create at home.

Mathseeds provides you with a free 30-day trial and each subscription gives you access for up to 4 children, so it becomes cost-effective as well. Instead of lining up your bookshelves with different workbooks, you can get the award-winning Mathseeds Essential Skills workbook series which flawlessly complements the online Mathseeds program. Each guide provides a 36-week training and learning sequence with assessment tasks like the Driving Tests area and end of map quizzes.

Once you have determined the area of interest for your child… it could be geometry or puzzles etc, you can use Mathseeds to customize and suit your child’s lessons to fuel his interest in the subject. The use of ‘Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) such as toys, characters, etc greatly increases the interest in the topic and proves beneficial.

According to research in the GCC areas about early childhood education, math is one of the key competencies that affects a child’s learning outcome. Through these years, maths can prove to be a daunting subject for some, but it is easily interchanged with one of the most enjoyable subjects with the use of correct teaching methods and resources. This is where Mathseeds comes in and ensures children achieve mastery. A strong foundation in maths eventually builds critical thinking skills and logical reasoning. This later transforms into the overall cognitive development of a child.

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