How To Prepare Well For a Robotics Competition

Robotics competitions are the new trend and students from across nations are invited to participate to flaunt their Coding Skills. Middle-school & secondary graders are invited to solve some engineering problems and showcase their ingenuity at such competitions that take place in GCC regions, including UAE. Some of these events allow students to select their topics, while others have a theme that needs to be kept in mind while submitting the final project entries. Such competitions prepare students to be NextGen designers, engineers, and builders, with a passion to raise to challenges & find innovative solutions.


Here are some tips that will help you prepare in advance for the competition:

  1. Get to know your teammates well. A good team has a mix of members who demonstrate different capabilities. Someone may be proficient at preparing a plan and the other may excel at executing the project. So, learn each teammate’s strengths and weaknesses, well in advance.
  2. Practice using the tools and Robotic kits that you would have to make use of at the competition. Every participant needs to be acquainted with the toolkit so that there is no panic at the end moment. Experiment with building a variety of Robots using the toolkit, well in advance before the competition date.
  3. Involve your team in virtual simulator games so that you can estimate each member’s timing and aim to improve their speed of working. Robotify is an excellent virtual coding platform that allows students to practice coding without physically using hardware or any additional software. Robotify also has coding games like; Treasure Trove, Drone Park, Axel’s Mars Adventure, so that children don’t get bored while working with tricky Python codes! Robotify subscription is available to all students and its popularity is evident in Dubai & other UAE regions.
  4. Create your own bugs while preparing for the contest, so that you can find out which teammate demonstrates the best ‘problem-solving’ abilities and entrust him the duty to guide everyone on competition day. Become friends with ‘common bugs’ such as; error in syntax and error in calculation, so that you know how to proceed further without panicking. But also, be prepared for unexpected surprises!
  5. It is a great idea to approach a senior mentor or someone whose everyday job involves making Robots so that you can get some handy tips for extra advantage in the competition. Your mentor will provide you with guidance & direction, thereby mentoring your team to be more confident in completing the coding tasks.
  6. Push your limits and don’t settle for less! Participating in the Robot competition could be a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity and your team needs to aim at winning the annual Robotics cup. Therefore, keep reworking your models until you are satisfied with the outcome. Power your Robot to challenge itself because there’s nothing that a Robot can’t be made to do.
  7. Delegating responsibility is the basic fundamental of how an organization works. The success of any project is measured by the capacity of the team to put bits & pieces together to form a complete deliverable. If one member is entrusted with the duty of testing, the others should manage construction, drawing, and prototyping, so that the final model is robust enough to carry out its functions & does not falter at the time of presentation.
  8. Practice your presentation to impress judges. Once you have your Robot ready, it comes to how you present it before your esteemed audiences. The panellists need to understand what value your Robot is adding and how is it better than the projects submitted by other teams. Practice your pitch in advance and choose the best communicator in the team to do the needful.


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