Renewable Energy: The Only Sustainable Solution Worth Investing

Renewable energy is that which is available in the environment. For example; solar energy can be naturally generated by using solar panels to convert sun’s heat into energy. Wind energy is converted when the wind turbines rotate with the force of the wind which powers the generator to make electricity. And hydroelectric power is sourced when the force of water pushes the blades of turbines in water to move & produce electricity, which is carried through pipes. Through this blog, we aim to highlight the many advantages of renewable energy & why it makes sense to invest in these natural sources, rather than depend on fossil-fuels. As of 2020, only 19.8% of the total energy supply is generated through renewable sources, and there is so much more to explore, to increase this figure.

Renewable Energy Does Not Run Out of Supply

Renewable means always capable of being renewed and therefore never being exhausted. Hence by definition, renewable energy is that which will never run out. The wind will continue to blow and the sun will rise & shine as usual for perpetuity. This important characteristic trait makes it a sustainable and reliable source of energy to work with verses the fossil fuels which will eventually run out in decades to come.

Renewable Energy Doesn’t Generate Emission

Any source of renewable energy that you make use of has no adverse effects, as it doesn’t generate harmful emissions into the atmosphere. On the other hand, fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions such as; carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide that can have a negative impact on the climate and cause global warming. To run economies and cater to the ever-increasing population demands, industries such as- agriculture, transportation, electricity, and construction, are blamed to contribute to the release of harmful greenhouse gases and play havoc in the balance of nature on Mother Earth.

Renewable Energy Reduced Carbon Footprint

To put it in simple words, carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouses gases that we humans generate due to our own actions such as; travelling by car, excessive usage of AC or heating systems, wasting electricity, etc. The average carbon footprint that a person generates in the US was accounted to be as high as 16 tonnes. The aim is to lower carbon footprint and some of the ways to do so is by; going to a local supermarket by walking it up rather than taking the car, eating foods that are produced within your region to avoid waste associated with processing, shipping, and packaging, etc.

Cut Down on Water Usage

When it comes to converting non-renewable sources like coal & natural gas into energy, the process includes heating up huge gallons of water and creating steam to run turbines. As compared to that, the sun does not require water to generate electricity and neither does wind need wastage of water to generate energy. Also, hydropower is generated from the forceful current of water flowing downstream from rivers & dams and not by heating water & converting it into steam.

Reduces Costs

Renewable energy is not only good for the environment, but also friendly on your wallet. The sun, wind, and flowing water is free of cost and we do not have to pay any cost to replenish it. Also, the process by which these renewable sources are converted into energy, requires only one-time cost for set-up the upkeep & maintenance is comparatively inexpensive. As the demand & acceptance on ‘green energy’ increases, the cost of technology will also considerably drop & newer-cheaper inventions will come into existence. Our dependency on other coal will reduce greatly by shifting to renewable sources, and thus, it’s a clear win-win situation for consumers, suppliers, & government bodies.

Increase Independence of Economies

Recently we have witnessed the gruelling effects of raising oil prices, and how fuel for powering our cars & trucks are reaching sky-rocket rates. This is because of dominance & dependence of few countries such as – Russia, Middle East, and US, that are naturally blessed with oil. Therefore, there is no option but to rely on these oil producing giants. Renewable energy reduces oil imports and the pressure of having to pay exorbitant amounts to fulfil the requirements of the people. Renewable energy will reduce risk of energy crisis and contribute to a sustainable development.


Now that we know how important & urgent the need is to shift to renewable energy sources, why not make our children aware of this at an early age? Carolina’s Building Blocks of Science is bringing the importance of Energy Works, to classrooms all over the world, including Dubai, UAE and other GCC regions across the Middle East. The Energy Works module comes with a hands-on kit and all the essential supplies necessary to conduct experimentation to understand alternative, potential, and kinetic energy in systems powered by sun, wind, and water. So, are you ready to usher into an era of young Energy Savers!

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