E-Learning with Smithsonian Science (SS) at Home Kits from Carolina

E learning has been on the rise since the past decade, but never before has it been this effective and important at the same time! Online schools and other online ways of learning have taken popularity in UAE and specifically so in urban populations of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and so on. With the current global situations, the world needs an E-Learning solution that is practical and effective, right? The added challenge of online-school and keeping up with the curriculums has created the need for a solution that enables students to keep the right pace in their learning, while also bringing them to a level playing field. Smithsonian Science At-Home Kits are on their way to doing just that.


Effective home learning achieved

The curriculum designed in the Home-Kits by Smithsonian Science is crafted keeping the needs of the learners in mind. Courses are divided into consumable Modules with each having their independent goals. A storyline that allows the student to form logical progressions from their perspective is created for every module. Layers questions, situations and set-ups help keep the learner engaged and enables them to develop problem solving skills.


How does the learning happen?

The Home-Kit is designed to move the learning process to the home while not compromising on the quality of education the learner receives. The mediums include instructional videos, digital card sets and other digital resources. The video and resources guide the student through the topics in the module and enable them to learn and understand independently.

How are the lessons designed?

Creating an effective learning method is half the job done in learning, right? The Home-kit is designed in a 5-part format that allows the learner to follow a designed path.

Part 1: Getting started

The ‘Getting Started’ section includes questions and discussions that build a base for the topic of the module.

Part 2: Activities and Assignments

This section includes a list of the activities that are important for the lesson. The instructions to follow them are also listed here.

Part 3: Bringing it all together

Concluding the class activity and coming to a final understanding requires the students to share ideas and thoughts. This section does that with a run-down of all important points.

Part 4: Assessment

This section of the module includes and states which part of the lesson can be used to measure the level of understanding of the learner

Part 4: Additional Optional Assignments

This section of the module is for that extra level of challenge to the student. Since this is optional, it is an added experience. These assignments can be assigned to students if time allows.

Teaching methods are great but what about tests and results?

The assessment in the @Home-Kit is done with a multi-level system, through which a complete understanding of the students’ learning can be made. The system includes Pre-Assessment, Self Assessment and more.


This part of the assessment of the student is a preparatory stage, where they get to engage in tasks and activities that help measure their level of knowledge and their understanding

Formative Assessment:

Specific assessment strategies are used based on what part of the curriculum form the gist of the learning for the student. The section also instructs what to look for, in measuring the understanding levels of the student.

Self Assessment :

The learning of the module is not complete unless the student has had a genuine opportunity to learn. Self assessments help with that. They also allow the student to learn with greater independence and understanding of their own learning methods.

With their over 90 years of experience in education Carolina has built the perfect way for students to learn with high results inside their own homes. The flexible and valuable online resources enable the students from countries such as the USA, UK, UAE and so on. The online resources are created with clear goals in mind for the student, which is why the @Home-Kit by Carolina, builds around the experience of learning at home by bringing in all the benefits of a classroom.


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