Building Blocks of Science 3D – The Way Forward
Science has helped us understand much of why certain things happen in this universe. Reading textbooks and blogs (like this one) introduce curious minds to the very foundations of science. However, this is theoretical in nature and requires a comprehensive understanding of scientific terms and jargon before our kids are ready to tackle practical problems.
The core aim of a teacher is to teach their students about the key concepts of a subject in order for the children to retain the facts and build on them leading up to assessments. This must be done in a fun and engaging way that will significantly increase the potential for children to easily remember information and for them to have an awesome time in the process.
Enter Building Blocks of Science 3D. This is a three-dimensional science kit that enables children to explore the multiple facets of science.
Key Features:
- Captivating and engaging investigations within 30 minutes – effective time management
- Each investigation integrates the 3 dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – Crosscutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices and Disciplinary Core Ideas (more on this below)
- Flexible instruction
- Best quality science materials tested for rigorous performance and durability
- Digital tools enhance and differentiate the learning of students – information is provided in different forms for consumption according to learning styles
- Superior teacher support for effective lesson planning
- Pay as you go pricing – no yearly subscription or licensing fees
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
These rigorous educational standards form the basis of the Building Blocks of Science toolkit.
Crosscutting Concepts
These intersecting concepts enable students to explore connections across the 4 domains of science: Physical Science; Life Science; Earth and Space Science; and Engineering Design. A concept, like cause and effect, is explicitly demonstrated and helps students to develop a coherent and scientifically grounded view of the world around them.

Science and Engineering Practices
These practices describe the process behind the investigation of the natural world conducted by scientists as well as the design process and building of systems by engineers. It also explains and extends the concept of inquiry in science through the range of cognitive, social and physical practices.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
These key ideas have broad importance within or across multiple science or engineering disciplines. They also build on each other as students progress through their respective grades.
Why Should I Choose Building Blocks of Science?
This toolkit is designed to throw its full weight behind both instructors and students. No matter where you are or what your environment is, these 3D kits guarantee peace of mind and delivers authentic lab experiments in an ever-changing learning environment.
Instructional consistency from student to student is also a key benefit when these kits are deployed. Kids investigating the latest and greatest science concepts at home will be learning the same concepts and information as a student in an in-class setting.
After the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world in 2020, education had to be dramatically rethought. Certain activities had to be completed outside of virtual classes at home (asynchronous learning) while simple activities like writing on a whiteboard were easily replaced with technology alternatives and could be delivered real time during a class (synchronous learning). These toolkits can accommodate both guided learning (online and in-person) and self-paced learning where curiosity and determination play a huge part.
Lastly, these toolkits provide a consistent and unique lab experience for each student. This ensures that each student is guided by a core framework established by the teacher but retains the independence to explore these concepts on their own

Wrapping it up, if you take a step back and view the entire theoretical and practical foundation of the Building Blocks of Science 3D, you will realize that it positions itself to deliver scientific knowledge of the highest quality by integrating with robust frameworks and activities and providing fantastic teacher resources and engaging material for students. We hope that you will consider this tool in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. Thanks!
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