Cleaver Ideas to Simplify Lesson Planning
One of the most intrinsic parts of achieving a goal is the planning. The same applies to studying successfully. If the day, week, month or even year is chalked out with clearly defined lesson plans for the day along with breaks, it makes it easier to focus on impar ting the information. Many schools in the GCC, UAE and Middle East provide the lesson plan and do not leave it up to the teachers. Alternately, you might need to approach lesson planning in a very simplistic, organized manner which will also help in boosting other teaching duties.
There are many apps available online nowadays that assist with planning, reminders and creating lesson plans in a systematic and orderly fashion. You may need to explore many options before you find the one that suits you best. While you may have a plan loosely designed, making a template would allow you to create a lesson plan quickly. This is a useful tool in case you teach more than one class or want to develop supplemental lessons. A few sources you may want to look at are Hot Chalk Lesson Plan, Common Core App by Mastery Connect and Teacher Planet. These websites will give you free lesson plan templates that you can easily customise to your instructional needs.

Knowing the standard of you grade level will provide a better understanding of where your grade is and where they are expected to be by year end. Many apps provide data where you can compare your grades’ standards to the grades before and after them.
Some teachers prefer the tradition paper planners such as binders where you can plan and plot down to the very hour of everyday, week or semester. Take your lesson planner with you everywhere you go and use any extra time you have in between classes to plan a week or month ahead. Even a large piece of paper will do the trick if you are comfortable with jotting down your ideas this way. Dry-erase calendars to write down lesson ideas in different colours for each subject are also found to be visually appealing and very effective. The visual aid keeps you on track as well.
If you are more of an online person and prefer having it all on your device, the myriad number of apps available will make lesson planning a breeze. Additionally, plans saved on the cloud or even locally on your portable device can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Apps such as, planbookedu and showme interactive whiteboard are very popular in Dubai and widely used.

Mathletics which is the world’s leading online math’s program, uses engaging and gamified learning content. It provides complete support for school and home. It offers simplified lesson planning and saves precious teacher time. You can use their benchmarked assessments and curriculum-aligned activities to quickly devise and deliver a lesson plan appropriate for your grade. Mathletics makes it easy to assign maths activities to classes or individual learners. Using Mathletics data and targeted task assessments, you can positively challenge your students to develop and experience success.
There is no one, right way to creating a lesson plan. It is all a matter of trial and error to finding a plan that works for you the best. It could be a combination of both online and offline too. Schedule your time efficiently setting goals and priorities that work for you too. Use every tool available to you for instruction and planning to facilitate your teaching.
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