Strategies To Be Adopted While Teaching Math To Slow Learners
Slow learners are not different from every other learner in the class. They just take some time to grasp concepts and need individualized attention without which they feel lost. Especially for a subject like Maths, children have some kind of phobia and are anyways scared of numbers. We can’t even phantom the plight of a slow learner!
Educators must apply some kind of special teaching technique and use attractive learning aids which make the slow learners comfortable with numbers and eventually cope with the class.
#1 Stepwise Learning
Slow learners need to climb the ladder gradually and not jump to level 5, without ascending levels 1-4. It simply means you can’t expect them to understand and solve 3-digit addition until they are thorough with 1-digit and 2-digit addition problems. Even for a small thing like filling in the blank with the missing number, let them practice only 7___ 8 i.e. one set at a time, rather than having multiple blanks in a row, 4 ___ 6 ___ 8 ___. Break down every concept into easily understandable steps for the child to not feel burdened. Even for multiplication of tables 2 x 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 simplify in such a manner, so that the child is not pressurized to remember so many tables by-heart all at once.

#2 Practice and Revision
Slow learners tend to forget things until they constantly keep practicing sums that were taught in class. Even when they transition from Grade 1 to Grade 2, it becomes difficult for them to recollect what was taught previously and they might go blank. So before you begin with a fresh batch of concepts, keep revising the basics, like, counting, greater than less than, and addition/subtraction, until they are confident enough to proceed further. Time & again revision and practice is a must. At the beginning of every Math class, 15 minutes must be dedicated to revision. Mathletics is a fabulous platform that kids enjoy practicing Math on, simply cause it is user-friendly and has attractive animations, which everyone loves. Simply download the App on your tab or phone via the online stores, no matter where you reside. Schools across Dubai in the Middle East promote fun Math activities by encouraging parents to assign after-school homework via the Mathletics platform.
#3 Dedicate Shorter Spans
Imagine having to sit and study for 2 hours straight. Boring right! Children have a very limited attention span and they get restless if they have to focus for too long. What the teacher is saying may not even register after a point and children drift into wonderland. Slow learners especially don’t have the capacity to concentrate for long periods. So, keep the important studies for the first half of the lecture, followed by a short hands-on activity where children feel involved & get energized, and conclude by taking a revision test. In this manner, you would be able to keep the child’s attention span alive all through the session. Having said that, don’t be too hard on them, and sometimes give breaks, when required. You could also find the best tutor in GCC region and enroll your kid there for some extra help and personalized teaching.
4 Make Studies Relatable
Imaginary concepts are more difficult to grasp than the concrete ones. For example; X is greater than Y by 3 and Y is two times of Z, which is such a confusing word problem to deal with. To make this easier, give students real-world examples and maybe worksheets that have pictographic representations of the problem. For example; have red balls to represent X, yellow balls for Y and blue balls for Z. Now try and explain the sum to the learner.
#5 Provide Motivation
Slow learners suffer from low confidence and compare themselves to other bright students in class. Their morale is at an all-time low, therefore instead of being too hard on them, be kind and pep-talk them with words that will keep them motivated. Celebrate every milestone in learning and reward them with a good remark in the diary. Highlight the positive achievements like finishing homework on time & answering correctly in class, all through the child’s learning journey. Many gamified Math learning apps like Mathletics, encourage students by giving them points or coins as reward and then redeeming them for exciting in-app goodies. To download Mathletics in your UAE region, simply visit the link

#6 Allow Mistakes
One learns by making mistakes. Instead of scolding or taunting, let the child make mistakes, till he perfects the concept. Be very patient, even if it takes 10 wrong answers, to finally get the right one. In order to teach slow learners, one may have to undertake a special training program and be very patient, till the subject matter is fully understood.
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