Learning To Code An HTML Web Page with the TechnoHTML5 Curriculum

Learning To Code An HTML Web Page with the TechnoHTML5 Curriculum

Learning To Code An HTML Web Page with the TechnoHTML5 Curriculum

We live in a Digital World where communication, networking and business, happens online, rather than face-to-face. Digital Assets such as; websites, blogs, and social media pages, are valued the most and an absolute must-have in today’s day & age. The brand is perceived positively or negatively basis its website and reviews/ratings on the internet. All marketing efforts, including budgets, are strategically planned in a way to increase the ‘online image’ and thereby increase awareness & reach. This means, if you want to survive in the ‘Digi Age’ you need to ‘armor up’ with relevant skills.

Computer lessons in schools have undergone a major upgrade in their curriculum to match with the changing pace, especially in tech-advanced regions like UAE and other GCC counterparts. Students as early as elementary school are learning basic fundamentals of coding to power robots and bring high-tech ideas to life. By the time students graduate from school, they are even equipped to construct their own website from scratch.

Steps to Create a Web Page in HTML

Many beginners have apprehensions about coding and find it to be like rocket science, thereby staying away from the same. However, reading through this Blog will change your perspective. Let’s get started by learning about some important jargons associated with the process;


Hypertext Markup Language is a language that organizes web pages. It adds structure to the pages and its content. This essentially means making the text look presentable with bullet points, using tables wherever required, and spacing out paragraphs.


With the help of tags, the browser distinguishes between HTML content and simple content. It contains three main parts, opening tag, content tag, and closing tag. Every tag has its specific task and the tag is written within such brackets < >.

Example: <tag> content </tag>


The full form of PHP is “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.” It is a widely used open-source language to build web applications

To Get Started We Need the Following

A Text Editor

To write an HTML code, we need to use any of the text editors you are comfortable with; Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac. You are not required to additionally install any text editor from the net, just work with the one already available on your computer.

A Browser

Any browser will do; Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or any other browser that you use.

Now that we have assimilated everything we need, let’s get started…

#1 Content

A content-rich website is suitable to clearly communicate the brand’s message across and give the target audience an idea of the products/services. Pre-plan what content you wish to showcase on your website’s home page and other internal sub-pages on a word document and use important keywords to enhance your search rating for the purpose of SEO.

#2 Download Images

Use a free-pic platform to download images or get high-resolution images from a paid source. Save all shortlisted images in a folder.

#3 Website Design

Choosing a proper Web design is important, as the look & feel of the website depends upon a proper template. Avoid gaudy colors with unconventional layouts. Let the design be simple, yet effective.

#4 Write HTML Codes

Writing a proper code will allow your website to be displayed the way you want it to look. Use this below code to begin with:

<!DOCTYPE html>





<body>Your content here.</body>


Save the file in proper format – ‘name’ followed by ‘.html’, for example- fashion.html.

#5 Add the Content

In this step, we will add the content or text that you wrote earlier between the body tags.

#6 Add HTML Tags

Add headings correctly in h1 tags section.


Fashion Trends: New Arrivals for Summer 2022


#7 Add a List

Listings under bullet points need to be drafted in the following fashion;


<li>Wear dresses for summer.</li>

<li>Choose cotton fabrics.</li>

<li>Go for light colors and floral prints.</li>


#8 Include Images

Use the image tag to add the images from the file you saved earlier, so that It is uploaded on the web page.

<img src=”images/file-name.jpg”>

And you are kind of done! Refresh the browser to see how your website looks and make corrections wherever required.

TechnoHTML5 TechnoKids has introduced the TechnoHTML5 curriculum to allow students to code a one-of-its-kind web page with HTML and CSS lessons for beginners. Add style text, graphics, and hyperlinks to your project and display your creativity. Such interesting modules by TechnoKids are a hit in schools across the globe, including IB institutes in Dubai in the Middle East. To learn more about TechnoKids, visit our website: <link>

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World Math Day powered by Mathletics in partnership of Knowledge Hub in UAE

World Math Day powered by Mathletics in partnership of Knowledge Hub in UAE

Knowledge Hub supports schools in UAE to be part of World Maths Day which is a global celebration of learning that has been uniting students around the world with the wonder of numbers since 2007,  students in the Dubai National school / Twar branch started to compete.

Knowledge Hub and Renaissance announce collaboration with UAE Ministry of Education for myON

Knowledge Hub and Renaissance announce collaboration with UAE Ministry of Education for myON

Knowledge Hub, a leading provider of learning solutions in the UAE and throughout the Middle East, and Renaissance, the creator of the myON digital reading platform, has announced the successful launch of an ongoing project with the UAE Ministry of Education to improve English reading standards for the 380,000 students in primary and secondary Emirati schools.

The agreement, which covers all UAE public schools, is the largest myON governmental implementation in history and comes after two successful pilot schemes run in the country.

Click the below links to read the full article:



Knowledge Hub and Renaissance announce collaboration with UAE Ministry of Education for myON

اتفاقية بين «التربية» و«نوليدج هب» و«رينيسانس» لاستخدام منصة myON

أعلنت شركة «نوليدج هب» المزوّد الرائد للحلول التعليمية في الإمارات، والشرق الأوسط، وشركة «رينيسانس» المبتكرة لمنصة القراءة الرقمية myON، إطلاقاً ناجحاً لمشروع متواصل مع وزارة التربية والتعليم في دولة الإمارات، لتحسين معايير القراءة باللغة الإنجليزية ل 380 ألف طالب في المدارس الابتدائية والثانوية الإماراتية. وتُعدّ هذه الاتفاقية التي تشمل جميع المدارس الحكومية في الإمارات، أكبر تنفيذ حكومي في التاريخ. وتأتي بعد مخططين تجريبيين ناجحين في الدولة.

بالنسبة للوزارة يقود هذا المشروع التحسين المستمر لمعايير قدرات القراءة والكتابة بالإنجليزية في الدولة. ويتماشى مع مخطط مئوية الإمارات 2071 ورؤية الوزارة الإستراتيجية لتعليم مبتكر.
وفال الدكتور حسين الحمادي، وزير التربية والتعليم «يجب أن يكون أطفالنا وشبابنا مجهزين جيداً لاغتنام الفرص، ومواجهة تحديات الحاضر والمستقبل».

Click the below links to read the full article:





What Are 3D Shapes: An Easy Explanation For Primary Graders

What Are 3D Shapes: An Easy Explanation For Primary Graders

What Are 3D Shapes – An Easy Explanation For Primary Graders

Shapes are everywhere, they are all around us. The book on your table is of a specific shape, and the wallet you are carrying is of a different shape. Learning about shapes helps us visualize and organize information and gives students a good introduction into the world of Math & Geometry. Shapes also helps us understand various signs & symbols and infer a meaning out of it.

Difference between 2D and 3D shapes

A 2D shape is something that can be drawn on a flat surface on paper. All 2D shapes have their own specific area and perimeter, and they contain sides, corners, and curves. Square, triangle, rectangle circle, hexagon, are all examples of 2d shapes.

A 3D shape consists of 3 dimensions – length, breadth, and height vs. the 2D shapes which have only length and width. Every 3D shape occupies some space and has depth. Examples of 3D shapes are; cube, cuboid, cone, and cylinder. These shapes have different surface structures that can be felt and touched; some are round, while others are flat. Examples of 3D shapes are; sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, prism, etc.

Children often get confused between 2D shapes and their 3D equivalent. For example; a prism or a pyramid shaped object, also looks like a triangle. To avoid this disparity, we have explained the properties of each shape and its counterpart in details, so that kids can be made aware of the difference between them.

2D Shape Circle

Properties of a circle: A circle has no sides or corners. It’s made of curved lines starting from any point and ending by making one full rotation. Every part of the curved line on a circle is equidistant from the central point.

Round objects: bangle, CD, wheels, coins

3D Shape Sphere

Properties of a sphere: A sphere is a round circular shape which looks like a ball. You can say it is a bulged circle. All points on the surface of the sphere are equidistant from the central point. It has no edges or corners.

Spherical objects – ball, planets, marbles, sun

2D Shape Triangle

Properties of a triangle:

A triangle is made of three sides and three vertices. The sum of all the angles of a triangle add to 180°. Depending on the measures of the angle and the length of the sides, the triangles are classified into different types; equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

Triangular objects: Pizza slice, ice-cream cone, birthday cap, Christmas tree

3D Shape Triangular Prism

Properties of a triangular prism: The prism is a solid shape with two identical ends in the shape of a triangle. The sides of the prism are rectangular surfaces. The cross-section across its length is uniform.

Triangular Prism shaped objects: ice cube, Toblerone chocolate bars, pyramid

2D Shape Square

Properties of a square: A square has all four sides equal and all the corners form a 90-degree angle. The opposite sides of a square are parallel to each other.

Square objects: alarm clock, window frame, biscuit, piece of chocolate

3D Shape Cube

Properties of a cube: A cube is a solid geometric 3D figure which has 6 square faces. It has as many as 8 vertices and 12 edges. All sides of the cube are of same length.

Cube objects: Rubik’s cube and dice

Some Activities to reinforce the concept of shapes:

#1 Sorting Shapes

Give children a basket with different objects example; marble, block, cone, etc. and ask them to sort it as per the 3D shape category it belongs to. So, the marble has to be placed under the picture that has a sphere shape, and the block has to be placed under the picture of a cube.

#2 Shape Hunt

Introduce child to any one 3D shape say ‘prism’ and let him go around the class/home to look for items of similar shape around. Applaud his efforts and correct the child if necessary.

#3 Shape Quiz

In this activity, the teacher gives the students hints for guessing the 3D shape. Say for example; this is a solid 3D geometric shape that has 8 vertices and 6 square faces…guess the 3D shape.

Mathletics is a cool platform that supports 2,00,000 math teachers across the globe to give students the dual advantage of mastering the subject, while having fun. Schools across the world, including Dubai in the Middle East, collaborate with Mathletics platform, to go beyond conventional textbooks and make mathematics more interesting. Students are even rewarded with a certificate of achievement to motivate them to flaunt their achievements.

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