Length is measuring an object or distance from one point to another. Length tells us how long an object is, or how far the distance is between two points. Length is used to measure the size of the object and the distance between points.
Common units for measuring length
The standard unit of measuring length is Meter represented as ‘m’. For bigger measurements, the unit changes to ‘kilometers’. For smaller measurements, the same can be represented with; centimeter, millimeter, and decimeter.
Millimeter (mm)
Millimeters are used to measure very minuscule or tiny lengths. Imagine a sharp pencil point. The tip of the pencil would be around (1 mm).
Centimeter (cm)
A centimeter is used to measure small objects. Size of a tiny square paper, a key, a pen, etc. can be measured best using the centimeters scale. A standard metric ruler is 30 centimeters long.
Meter (m)
A meter is used to measure big lengths. A classroom can be measured in terms of meters. Table tops and window frames, can all be equated to the measurement of meter. 1 m = 100 cms
Kilometer (km)
Very long distances are measured in kilometers. The distance from your house to the mall or from distance from one city to another is measured using kilometers. 1 km = 1000 m
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