Create a Safe Online Space with Cybersecurity!

In this day and age, data is as precious as Gold! Corporates, educational institutes, research centers, and government bodies store information that is used for various operational purposes. A programmer combines his knowledge of coding and uses data analytics skills to make sense of the data. Private and confidential track records of employees and secret strategies of organizations, together make it a risky affair to have your data leaked. What if some mischief-monger wants to get access to the information and use it against you? What if the system shuts down and there is no chance of reviving old data?

Because of all these reasons, it is immensely important to handle data with care and this is possible with the advent of Data Security. As already stated earlier, data is the company’s most valuable asset, and protecting it from cyber threats is the first responsibility of any firm, which may not necessarily be a software company. 

There are different types of cybersecurity, so let us understand each one of them in detail:

#1 Cloud Security

We have heard this fancy term ‘cloud’ maybe a dozen times before, but what does it actually mean? Well, the cloud is linked to data that is stored in large cloud servers, across data centers located remotely. So, one can borrow cloud storage from tech giants such as Google and Amazon, to run your company in the UAE. Cloud computing is associated with cloud storage, which means, IT professionals need not set up a physical data center service, but pay for usage of a third-party cloud provider, as and when needed. Think about it this way, now that you are trusting another cloud company to store your valuable information, but not using insurance or protection for it! This isn’t advisable at all. A cloud strategy includes solutions, policies, and protocols, to help protect an organization’s cloud project (applications, data, infrastructure, etc.) against attack.

#2 Network Security

Network security is another type of cybersecurity that keeps theft at bay! For individuals, their financial data and for corporates data related to accounting and finance, can all stay secured thanks to advanced network security. Some illegal hackers try to get into your system and leak data to their advantage, but network security acts as a shield or a barrier that makes it impossible to crack the password. Advanced network security has many sub-layers which are associated with terms such as; Data Loss Prevention (DLP), NGFW (Next-Generation Firewall), IAM (Identity Access Management), and NAC (Network Access Control), amongst others. This ensures safe usage and hassle-free recovery. Various Next-Gen Antivirus software such as Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR), are available in the market, which does the job just right.

3 Endpoint Security

Endpoint security is a way to secure the end users by making sure their devices such as laptops and desktops are protected. This security is possible with data and network security controls, and threat prevention techniques. Anti-phishing and anti-ransomware, are major focus points for endpoint security

#4 Security of the IoTs (Internet of Things)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most talked about technology these days. IoT makes things talk to each other with the help of the internet. Cars, and home application devices that have become popular in Dubai, are all powered by IoT to increase productivity. These devices are vulnerable to threats and to protect them, we need to use IoT security solutions. It prevents an attack from causing havoc and offers ultimate security in return.

From the above examples, we can see how a safe space is created to protect internet usage and data authenticity. These security features must have been developed by some genius. Usually, Coders and Cyber Security Experts create this software and sell it to the audience at large. These days everything is possible with coding and without having appropriate coding skills, one feels lost or left out. So, starting young, Code Monkey is an excellent platform available in the GCC regions and all across the Middle East to introduce coding to kids as young as 4+ to 14. Students get to work on projects and learn real-time Java, Python, and CofeeScript languages via this platform. Its main features are; easy to use, fun & captivating, and rewarding experience. So, are you ready to catch Bananas for monkeys, while learning the essence of Coding to create unbelievable Cyber Security products for the future?

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