5 technology fundamentals that all kids need to learn now

What do young learners absolutely need to learn to get a good head start? Everybody asks this question every once in a while. Is it coding ? or is it social skills? What helps a young learner develop a strong Foundation for the future they are about to experience.

TechnoKids make tech projects. A technological project is a series of activities in which students build a project such as starting a business, marketing a theme park, coding a game, or creating a budget. Project-based learning is an educational strategy in which students are asked to answer difficult questions or solve real-world issues. Students research these topics, provide answers, and create unique works of art.

Here’s a few fundamental key skills a kid needs to achieve their complete potential.

Algorithms must be understood mathematically

Algorithms are now trusted by the entire globe. Algorithms have a role in social media, search, education, and entertainment. However, algorithms offer both advantages and disadvantages. If tomorrow’s grownups don’t comprehend how algorithms employ mathematics to interpret data, they won’t know which aspects of life’s processes can be automated and which require human intervention.

Analytical Data Understanding

Advanced data analytics has begun to offer certain people with a competitive advantage in almost every business. Even when confronted with figures and measurements, however, most of us have little comprehension of how to assess data and rely on guesswork. Meanwhile, organizations that use predictive algorithms (which make use of large amounts of data) are upending whole industries. Adults who can think of new methods to evaluate data will be the most successful in the future.

Economics on a global scale

We are not only able, but also needed, to engage with individuals all over the world thanks to digital information technology. Our children will need to grasp how digital technologies affect the global economy in order to be prepared for a future in which knowledge is one of the most valuable commodities. They must, for example, comprehend the implications of Bitcoin. They must be able to weigh the economic advantages and disadvantages of businesses like Uber in the Middle East and AirBnB in Dubai and the rest of GCC. They must be able to critically evaluate revenue models that we haven’t even considered.

Critical Media Literacy is the ability to think critically about the media

Advertising, dubious pictures, sponsored journalism, disguised sales pitches, and more abound on the internet, just as they do on television. Race, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are all represented be it USA,UK, Aisa or UAE. There are memes that tell specific stories about joy, achievement, and intellect. Adults of the future will lack the autonomy to make their own judgments if they are unable to gain the required distance to think objectively about the concepts presented by digital media. Of course, knowing how algorithms function, how data is processed, and how economics impact ideas is required for this level of critical literacy.

Entrepreneurship and creativity go hand in hand

If there is one thing we can be certain of, it is that we know very little about the economy of the future. We can only speculate on which abilities will be the most useful. We can’t train our children to have abilities that we haven’t yet envisioned, so we must teach them to be creative and entrepreneurial instead. They must be versatile and flexible. They must be able to recognise opportunities and learn how to identify and acquire the abilities required to succeed.

Computers will undoubtedly continue to play an important role in future economies. Will students who don’t know how to code, on the other hand, be at a severe disadvantage in the future economy? No. Writing code will swiftly become low-wage work, outsourced first and then to A.I. engines that create all the complex scripts.

One of the most important requirements for professional success will be a sophisticated understanding of how computers handle digital information. As a result, I don’t think entirely about coding skills when I consider how to provide my own children with the type of computer literacy that I believe will enable them to engage in a global information economy.

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