Thinking Outside the Box with Activity Kits from LEGO® Education
It is a well-known fact, that all work and no play make your child dull. Lego® blocks were designed with the idea of imparting knowledge in play form. In many Middle-East countries like Dubai, UAE, and GCC special Lego sessions are conducted apart from school learning to inculcate fun activities that teach important lessons among pre-schoolers.
Initially, Lego®’s were a set of wooden blocks, when came into existence. With a gradual process of innovation and creativity, they were made more attractive by adding different shapes and colors by using plastics instead of wood. The vision was to have a brain-activating playful learning experience.
Grab a quick look at how it works!
Benefits of Lego® learning:
- Enhances motor development: Fixing different sizes of blocks, by applying varying pressure levels by the tiny tots. This offers a perfect workout to those tiny fingers.
- Trigger’s creation skill: A child’s brain is a storehouse of creativity. This playful activity helps in shaping the ideas practically. Infinite ideas crop up until they are perfectly executed by them. They create their designs as per their imaginations.
- Analytical Learning: Kids learn a step by step following method to collect, organize, fix these Lego pieces to get the desired shape. They tend to grasp each detail in seconds with such zeal.
- Mathematical learning: Unknowingly they are inclined to get an exposure to mathematics at this tender age. Assembling different proportions of blocks with repeated tricks ought to aid mathematical learning which can be termed as pre-math skills and ready children for future learnings.
- Outlining skill: Children are often much engrossed in their Lego® pieces. They learn to plan things before their execution. This is a step towards sharpening their vision. They learn to form a blueprint in their minds by unboxing the Lego kits and start visualizing what they are going to construct.
- Tenacity: It offers a constant form of learning to tiny tots. Being glued to these blocks for hours they learn to build patiently. They keep trying, in spite of an unsuccessful attempt, till perfection is achieved. With each try, they excel in skill and perform a little better each time.
- Boost’s confidence: Without having a fear of being judged, children try to impress their parents, friends and educators by innovating a new model by using the same Lego® kit. They grow and develop at their own pace and are on their journey of self-discovery. This gives a sense of complete confidence to the kids. This helps in shaping the child’s personality and building confidence.

Smart Play with Lego®
Smart Play with Lego®Kids are like moulds, it’s our duty as adults to shape them correctly. Organizing playdates with their friends or siblings seems like a great idea! This opens up a gateway to social connectivity and interaction while getting them to build something from scratch by cooperating & brainstorming with each other. Social interaction at home or in an activity class, makes the child more comfortable in their school environment and they learn to express themselves more openly. They also learn to respond efficiently to the peer’s need. You know what the best part about playdates are? You as a parent, educator, or an activity teacher, can join them in their play-time and teach children concepts about motion & force, while having fun. Playfully, kids learn a great deal and grasp faster, so the chances of them retaining the topic for life is manifold. There are a number of Lego kits that you can invest in. Some of the most popular ones are; Lego® BricQ Motion Essential kit and the Simple and Powered Machines Set.
Mere book knowledge will result in boredom. On the other hand, a structured play with Legos develops a sense of independence and responsibility. So, go ahead and gift your tiny tots this wonderful and un-forgetful experience of learning.
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