An Easy Guide To Curating A Professional Newsletter

A Newsletter is a medium of communication used by organizations to share information with customers and other stakeholders within the business network. They are sent to the recipient’s inbox via email or a print version is posted to their home address. Though we are in the age of a social media revolution where snippets of content are spread in an easily understandable & engaging manner, a newsletter acts as a back-up to support the social media campaigns. What can’t be elaborated in a 3-liner post on Instagram, can be explained in greater detail in the newsletter.

There could be numerous purposes for which a newsletter is drafted such as; promoting the launch of a new product/service in the UAE region, simply keeping in touch with followers, or even appealing to audiences to subscribe to the brand’s social pages. Whatever the aim is, a good newsletter has the potential to achieve it all.


Here are a few steps to create your newsletter:

#1 Prepare a Strategy

Have clarity as to what is the aim of sending the newsletter. Also, be clear about your target audiences. The communication must be in sync with the marketing strategy. As per the goal, the content specialist can curate the wordings. A newsletter announcing a discount offer is worded differently, from the one which highlights the star performer for the month or the one that sends across e-greeting wishes on specific festivals. Another important factor to consider is how often would you be shooting out the newsletter. Keep in mind that the frequency and timing are as important as the content. If you keep bombarding inboxes every now & then, you may lose subscribers and the click-through rate may be very low. Some may even mark you as spam and ignore the message. The aim is to not be too pushy, but to stay on top of your target audience’s mind so that they don’t forget about you.

#2 Newsletter Content & Headline

In case you are sending an e-newsletter, make sure the subject line is catchy, but not too confusing. Even the titles and sub-titles must be cleverly chosen so that there is no ambiguity about what lies ahead when one decides to scroll further or turn the pages of the printed copy. Keep the wordings crisp, make it fun to read, and be unique with the content. Set the flow right, by establishing a strong introduction, followed by a body copy, and then conclude using positive statements, followed by a call to action button that leads them to a landing page.

#3 Design and Images

An important element to consider is how presentable the newsletter looks. There are so many interesting templates and layouts to choose from if you use the right newsletter-making software which is easily available online. Make sure the images aren’t pixilated and ensure you crop them correctly before inserting them into the newsletter. The color contrast must be carefully decided such that the background blends well with the font. Even the logo should be placed in a prominent position and look as though it all fuses together.

#4 Add Personal Touches

Make the recipient feel special by customizing content based on their taste & requirements. These small acts of going out of your way and making audiences feel special will go a long way. Spell names correctly and send special newsletters on birthdays wishing your customers. Shoot-out welcome emails and special surprises to new buyers and acknowledge the loyalty of the old ones by giving them gift points that can be converted into cash discounts.

#5 Mailing List

Preparing a detailed mailing list is like a treasure trove that needs to be valued. It is like a holy grail that needs to be kept up-to-date so that the emails are sent to the correct recipient.

Flipped Learning

So now that you know the tricks & trades of curating a newsletter, get started right away! Wait, but what if you are in school and had to make a newsletter as your classwork project assignment?

This module is dedicated to school students who wish to learn how to prepare a professional-looking publication using Google Docs or Microsoft Word platforms. TechnoKids has marked its way into educational institutes across Dubai in the Middle East and other regions like GCC. The kit furnishes you with resources and lesson plans that allow learners to create a front cover for the newsletter, draft content & add taglines, and finally distribute it amongst their classmates in print and online formats.

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