The Value of Time and Simple Time Management Lessons For Kids
Learning to read the clock starts at a young age of 6 years, when children are taught to tell the difference between am and pm, and also make themselves comfortable with analog clocks & their digital versions. The 12 hour clock ticks from 1 am to 12 noon and from 1 pm to 12 midnight, whereas the 24-hour clock is read as 00:00 to 23:59 and so on. Learning to read time is reinforced in school through Math lessons which are made fun thanks to the Mathseeds platform used popularly in the UAE. For all the good reasons, Mathseeds has won itself multiple awards and aims to build an even stronger foundation for kids between 3 to 9 years of age in Dubai and all over the globe.
Once students familiarize themselves with reading time, the question asked is, do they know how to appreciate the value of time? Why don’t schools take the onus to teach time management at an early age? Our generation of adults had to learn time management the hard way through trial & error! But now, IB schools in the Middle East, especially those that incorporate STEAM learning, are focusing on not just the theoretical aspect of time but also teaching kids the value of time management by assigning project work and setting deadlines.
Students are anyways burdened with extra-curricular classes, school work, and social life, therefore this phase of their life is the most appropriate to learn the tricks of time management.
Here are a few tips to practice Time Management daily, and inculcate a habit to make it every progressive learner’s go-to skill to reap its benefits all through their lives;

#1 Help children create a to-do list
Teaching students discipline and routine is great. These are success mantras for all successful people. Following a to-do list and sticking to it develops confidence and gets more things done throughout the day. A child’s day could be planned as follows; wake up at 7.30 am, get ready and go to school by 8.30 am, finish school by 3 pm and take a 45-minute rest break, go for extra-curricular classes at 4 pm, and then finish homework from 5.30 pm to 7 pm. Post 7 pm is free time for 1 hour to socialize with friends, followed by dinner at 8 pm, and lastly going to bed by 9.30 pm. Similar to this one, make a routine for the weekend, which will include going out with family and pursuing free-play activities like art & craft, to further stimulate freedom & creativity. In the words of the famous writer Robin Sharma, ‘Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.’
#2 Goal Setting is Important
Goal setting is an important life skill that can be practiced early on in one’s life. Teach kids to set realistic goals and divide them into short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals can be something like scoring 80% and above to be eligible for standing as Vice House Captain in school. Another short-term goal example is; successfully winning a goal medal in sports athletics competitions to participate in inter-school and then state level to represent the region. If you set goals, you will be able to track your progress and work towards continuous improvement. Goals need not necessarily have to be about academics and extra-curricular classes, they can be on a personal level too. Some of them include; saving money in a piggy bank, sleeping on time, being more hygienic, and making a gratitude journal to stay positive & emotionally invested. Long terms goals are also necessary to list down as the student’s dreams and aspirations are linked to them. Getting into the topmost Business School or going abroad for studies are all long terms planning that can be achieved by taking small steps every single day. There are a number of Goal-setting apps available for download in the GCC region, that notifies the user and reminds them about how far they’ve come and how much more effort is needed to achieve the next goal.

#3 Staying Organized Is Beneficial
‘There is a place for everything and everything must be in its place’. Staying organized saves time and unnecessary effort in trying to figure out things at the last moment. Even small things like keeping your school uniform in the wardrobe at its assigned shelf, will save time in the morning and create less panic when it’s already time to catch the school bus. Even studies should be done in an organized manner to submit class work on time and prepare for exams well in advance. Toys should be kept in the toy rack and not scattered around the house. Assigning some household chores like washing plates after eating, handling laundry duty on Sunday, and taking care of plants in the garden, will keep the children positively engaged and organize their time efficiently, instead of spending hours playing video games.
Parents and teachers, therefore, play an equal role in helping kids learn the essence of time management. Try out the above tips shared in the Blog and guide students to a path of a bright future.
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