Who is An Ethical Hacker and Everything You Need to Know To Become One
We’ve heard the term Ethical Hacker a number of times as a passing reference, but do you know what an ethical hacker does? You will find ethical hackers employed across different industries such as; technology, military, and even law services. As of today, there is a lot of demand for them, and considered as one of the highest-paying jobs across countries, including Dubai in the Middle East.
Who is an Ethical Hacker?
A ‘white hat hacker’ basically breaks into computers and networks for security reasons. They are asked to access unauthorized computer systems, applications, and data to carry out certain operations. This method is used to duplicate the strategies and actions of malicious attackers. It helps to identify certain loopholes within the system and fix them so that no outsider can take undue advantage of it. This is in no way illegal and even big MNCs put hackers to good use.

Reasons To Become An Ethical Hacker
Here are a few opportunities that will encourage you to choose ethical hacking as a full-time profession;
Increasing Demand
As the world is becoming readily digital, there is so much scope in the field of IT and computer technology. Nowadays everything is done ‘online’, which makes our lives much easier, but also puts a heavy risk in terms of sharing private information & details, without worrying about the authenticity of businesses. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic when working from home became the only option, cybercrime increased manifold, risking the identity of people, as well as organizations. Thus, there is added pressure to protect safety from cyberattacks, and so ethical hacking is becoming the backbone & savior for all.
Better Pay
In the UAE, an ethical hacker makes about AED 275,000 per annum and the pay scale keeps increasing for those who have a higher experience. The demand is so much, that the existing number of skilled workforce is not able to match up and thus organizations are ready to pay a huge salary to employ one.
Continuous Learning Opportunities
To catch the thief, you need to be 10 times smarter than him! This simply means that black hat hackers (criminals) will always find new ways of looting money & causing havoc. We also know that technology changes at lightning speed and therefore more sophisticated strategies need to be adopted to prevent attacks. An ethical hacker needs continuous training to update his hacking skills with respect to newer systems & software. One also needs to be creative, as hacking is not done by referring to a checklist & going step-by-step. Finding newer ways to figure out the possible solution, requires great skill.
Cool Job Title
Proudly proclaiming that your job requires you to practice hacking legally, really intrigues people. You will always have friends & family asking you questions like- how do you write codes? What is the hardest hack you have performed? It gives you the utmost satisfaction to take up a challenge & perform a task that no one else can do.

TestOut LabSim – Ethical Hacker Pro Certification
This module tests the examinee’s ability to perform tasks commonly performed by IT security professionals. Passing the TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro Certification means you are capable of implementing layered security through group policy objects, access control lists, wireless and wired local area network security measures, and workstation and mobile device security measures. The TestOut course is famous in GCC regions and also in Dubai, so enquire now by clicking on this link https://knowledge-hub.com/testout-labsim/
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