Ideas for Broadcasting Content On The School Radio Platform

Radio Broadcasts have always played an important role in disseminating important information and entertaining mass audiences. Through the medium of Radio, listeners get to learn about political agenda, hear-out views of famous personalities, and be aware of the developments in the world around them.

The same concept is brought to educational institutes, including those in GCC regions, where children can launch their own Broadcasting show and speak about topics that are important to them via the School Radio Platform. If you are a student, here are some topics that might be of interest to you. It’s time to make your opinions public & share them with peers, teachers, & school management;

Innovative Start-Ups & Business

Entrepreneurship is the new buzz word and everyone seems to be excited to start a new brand or bring-in fresh ideas into the market. How about starting a Radio Channel that gives budding entrepreneurs a chance to showcase their ideas! Why can’t the seeds of a great business be sown in your high school days? To get students enthused about this, invite a few businessmen who have been successful with their start-ups and ask them to share their stories of challenges, struggles, and hard work. Following the same footsteps, students can present their start-up ideas; no matter if it culminates into something big in the future, or is just a seedling of an idea taking birth.

Health and Wellness

Stats show that 41.6% of cases of anxiety and depression related to Mental Health disorders are found commonly amongst school-going students and collegiates. Nearly 1 out of 3 adolescents aged 13 to 18 face anxiety disorder. So why not create a platform on your School Radio station to talk about it? Inviting Mental Health experts and wellness coaches on a School Radio talk show to talk about healthy self-care practices, is a great idea. Also, introduce students to the benefits of meditation and yoga via and stress on broadcasting positive experiences of students who benefitted from it.


Everyone loves music! Even middle-school graders follow the cult and have their eyes on top ‘music artists’. Music Albums create quite a rage, and children start idealizing these pop icons and try to copy their sense of fashion, to stay relevant in their social groups. Talking about the different genres of music and playing some classics on School Radio is much of a stress buster! If you are a member of your ‘school band’ here’s your chance to outshine! Create some tunes and even record a fresh album, to be the next ‘Mr. or Ms. Popular’ at school.


Sports enthusiasts always want to be the first ones to get up-to-date information about their favorite game and sports club. Sports is an important extra-curricular activity in school, and it instills a sense of healthy competition amongst students. Sports also have manifold benefits on fighting obesity and contributing to the individual’s physical well-being. Via School Radio channel, discuss sports news, celebrate important milestones, and invite famous football/cricket personalities to your school talk show. So, are you ready to cheer for the ‘Al Nasr FC’, UAE’s most loved football team?


This is a dynamic topic and each day we get news about something innovative happening in the Tech space. From Elon Musk sending the Tesla Car to Mars and Google making advancements in Quantum Computing, Technology is advancing at a super-fast pace. Even educational institutes adopt the STEM curriculum focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, and encourage children to learn to code & enable Robots to do amazing things. Use the Radio channel platform to broadcast content on amazing facets of technology and inspire students to venture wholeheartedly.

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So, what topic are you going to talk about when it’s your turn to host a show on School Radio? Make sure you prepare well before going ‘live’ and speak about the subject with passion & conviction. School Radio is already making waves in 430+ schools across the Globe, including some schools in Dubai & other regions of the Middle East.

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