Different Parts of Speech and How to Ace it Like a Pro

In the words of Jim Rohn, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” There is no shortcut to achieving anything in life. To be able to master something, whether it is, to run, swim, sing, dance or speak English proficiently, you have to learn the basics and then go on to becoming a champion and the learning must never stop. English is the most spoken language in the world. To have a natural command over it and to speak it fluently, one has to first get a strong grip over the grammar that forms its crux and an important component of which are the 8 parts of speech such as noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. These indicate how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within a sentence. In simple terms, sentences are made up of many words and each of these words fall into a category of part of speech.

The English language does get tricky and there are certain words that can belong to more than one part of speech because of their ability to have a different meaning in various circumstances. The learner has to identify them. Of course, with practice one can effortlessly become a pro at acing them and to exactly know where to use which part of speech and then forming sentences will be a breeze. There is wonderful study material available online and one such site that we recommend to visit is knowledge-hub.com to get great insights on English grammar and shop for online lessons. In the meanwhile, let us understand parts of speech in detail and how they can be used in sentences.


A noun is a word used to describe a thing or a person. There can be proper or common nouns. Nouns can also be singular or plural. Capital letters are used to denote names of proper nouns which are names of people and places. E.g., My dog Kino lives with us at our home in Dubai. Common nouns are dog and home and they are singular nouns. Proper nouns are Kino and Dubai. E.g., The residential properties at Palm Jumeirah in Dubai are beautiful. The noun in plural here is properties.


A pronoun is a word that is replaced by a noun in a sentence. They could be words like I, you, he, she, etc. E.g., Sheikha Manal bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is a renowned politician of the United Arab Emirates and she is the President of the Dubai Women Establishment. The pronoun here is she that gets replaced by her name when it gets mentioned twice in the same sentence.


A verb is an action word that describes an activity that someone is doing or tasks people are engaging with. E.g., My parents are travelling to the Middle East for a month-long holiday and will be visiting Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, and Oman and will be meeting friends and family across these places. The verbs here are travelling, visiting, and meeting that denote action.


An adjective is a word that further describes a proper or a common noun or a thing in a sentence. The descriptive adjective could either be in a good or a bad light that is talking about the noun. E.g., I love the Ferrari World at Abu Dhabi which always gives us an enjoyable experience and it is the most spectacular theme park in the United Arab Emirates. The adjectives here are enjoyable and spectacular which describe this place in a good way. E.g., Littering on the streets of Dubai is awful and one is penalised with a hefty fine for doing so. The adjectives here are awful and hefty that are used to describe the unpleasant activity of littering.


An adverb is a word that describes a verb or an adjective or modifies them. Usually adverbs end in -ly. There are some adverbs that do not end with -ly such as also, never, often, very, too, again, etc. There are some interrogative adverbs that are used in a question such as why, when, where, how, etc. E.g., The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is absolutely stunning. Here the adverb is absolutely which is a word ending in -ly and the adjective is stunning which is describing the Burj Khalifa. E.g., Apart from living in the UAE, people often migrate to other GCC countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar. Here the adverb is often which is followed by the verb migrate. E.g., When are you moving to Dubai? This is a question and the adverb here is when and the verb is moving.


A preposition is a word that links a noun to another word or it links a noun to a pronoun. Prepositions can be to, on, at, after, etc. E.g., Ayesha went to school on Wednesday. As we can see, to and on are the prepositions here linking the proper noun Ayesha to the common noun school and the proper noun Wednesday in the sentence.


Conjunctions are words that join other words, sentences, or clauses. Conjunctions are but, and, or, while, etc. E.g., Rubina and Farhana enjoyed themselves at Ski Dubai while skiing and playing with the snow. The conjunctions in this sentence are, and that comes twice and while.


Interjections are very short exclamation words that are used in a sentence to express sudden emotions of surprise, joy, hurt, greeting, etc. E.g., Wow! I love this present. This is someone being surprised and happy while receiving a gift. E.g., Ouch! I mistakenly pricked my finger while stitching. This sentence describes hurt being the emotion for getting pricked by the needle. E.g., Hi! How are you doing? A simple greeting is being expressed with this exclamation in the sentence.

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