Tips for making Children Use Technology Prudently in the Digital Age
There was once a stone age and now there is the digital age. It is absolutely commendable how mankind has evolved across centuries. Our ancestors had simple living yet had fulfilled lives. Presently we thrive in this fast-paced digital revolution where technology and advancement are limitless. Take Dubai, UAE, or the Middle East for example, how it has progressed rapidly over the years. There have been frequent inventions, small or big either here or in some part of the world.
It is the era of modern machines, gadgets, applications, smart software, and the internet and social media. Our life routines are synced with these devices that we have access to with just a tap of a finger. There is a lot to be grateful for, the facilities, opportunities, knowledge, and learning. Often even a short while without these gadgets make us feel incomplete. However, the ability to use digital tools efficiently while controlling and regulating the screen time lies in our hands.
The online world brings people closer virtually and engages on a personal, educational, and professional front. Everyday tasks are executed with the help of websites and apps. The webspace is extremely attractive and apps are addictive although everything has its pros and cons. However digital we may get; we must never undermine the importance of an in-person interaction which also has immense impact. So, it is perfectly okay to be offline at times as well and not have the pressure to always connect digitally. Let us not forget that the person next to us is as crucial as the one on our screen. Below are tips that can be implemented by parents for their children in this ever-growing digital age.
Digital Etiquette
In actual, where children are taught manners to interact with people, the same applies to them in the digital scenario as well. Virtually too there is a way to greet, use the right language, engage, exchange information, be dressed appropriately, have the correct posture and facial gestures and the topmost, being punctual and following meeting timelines and adhering to rules set out by the person across the screen. Parents must instil these values in their children for them to create a strong impression in every sphere.

Effective Scheduling
Parents can carefully plan the day of activities for children whether it is a school day or a holiday rather than completely letting them be on their own. Not only study time but play time and digital usage must be monitored. It should all be slotted well so that they have sufficient proportions of being digitally active, participate in outdoor play, bond with family, have healthy meals and get adequate rest.
Set Limits
It is imperative to give freedom to the children so that they have their own personal space and not feel choked by compulsions. Much as this is given to them, it should also be clearly ingrained in them that the freedom comes along with a lot of responsibility and the trust that parents have on their children must not be broken. Certain limits must never be crossed and guidelines laid out by parents must be observed by children.
Active Involvement
Parents must not get too busy and tied up with their work and home chores. Just because you give the children digital tools and gadgets to keep them occupied, does not mean that you can be away from them owing to your work. Parents must actively and very lovingly spend time with their children with the littlest of any activity. Make them learn and let them make mistakes and rectify them too. Do not be overly harsh or critical. Be along their side and that beautiful parent-child relationship will only nurture and grow stronger with time.
Subtle observations
Children generally do not like parents invading their space. Parents must give the children the little privacy they seek but at the same time they have to be vigilant about who the children are interacting with online, the sites they visit and the apps they use. Parents must explain the perils of chatting with unknown people. This can only happen if parents have friendly conversations with children, so that the children open up to them, share some details with parents rather than hiding things from them. Not only online but also offline it is important to know who the children meet and what their friend circle is like and where they hang out. Their body language has to be observed and whereabouts need to be known, all while not being very intrusive.
Dedicated Family Time
Each one in the family is always up to doing some tasks or the other, finishing everyday duties whether parent or child. These days, it is tough to even have meals together. So, parents must chalk out dedicated family time, either on a particular day of the week or a weekend when the entire family gets together, switches off digitally, doing nothing else but being with each other. It may be watching a movie, cooking a fancy meal, playing board games, or going on a long drive with great music.
Be a Role Model
Children emulate their parents. It is vital for parents in today’s day and age to be tech savvy and to be abreast with the latest happenings in the digital space. They have to take active interest in the basic operations of certain apps and websites that help the family as a whole to undertake several tasks. Having said that, it is super critical to also detach from them when required from time to time. Once the right balance is achieved, the children too feel motivated to follow along their parents’ able footsteps.
Get started with ‘TechnoKids’ and learn how the computer curriculum that they offer can be used in your child’s classroom, learning center or home. ‘TechnoKids’ publishes a collection of technology projects with ready-made lessons available in the Middle East, Including GCC Countries. Each project includes a teacher guide, student workbook and customizable resources. They have primary, junior, intermediate and senior levels. So, the key of moderation is in your hands. Using technology prudently is the way forward!
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