Strategize your Business Venture with LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime Set
Building a business is a complex and layered process. Most adults have a difficult time wrapping their heads across the ways in which a business operates. ‘The Kickstart a Business’ lessons by LEGO® Spike Prime™ Set aim to create a more universal understanding of such business functionalities for young students. This understanding is created with the help of pseudocodes and helps young students build a greater control over real world problem solving. Several institutions in the Middle East urban belt, the GCC, and in cities such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and more in UAE have adopted the lessons for the holistic learning of their students.
The most effective way to solve any problem is to break it down to smaller problems, which then can be addressed individually. The pseudocodes used in the lesson help the students break down actions into different command codes and thus help the student solve a larger problem with simple small solutions for interwoven problems.
Breaking down any problem helps the learner form a greater understanding of the problem while effectively being able to work towards the solution with a holistic approach. The different lessons of the “Kickstart a Business” program focus on different aspects of building programs for problem-solving.
Ensure robot is working correctly
Does learning about quality testing sound intriguing? This is specifically not the case for young learners. But building a flawless robot does sound like an exciting experience. This lesson focuses on helping learners break down the larger problem of delivering quality products into smaller parameters that can be tested and used to determine the ‘quality’ of a product. The students work towards building a program for the robot that in turn takes decisions based on its programming for quality checks. How cool is that!

Identify and fix programming problems
After having covered the creation of the program, it’s the learners turn to learn how to fix something that has already been made. This lesson focuses on finding and fixing mistakes in the code of a delivery cart, so that it can work for the functionality it was made for. This lesson builds the learner’s understanding towards identifying errors and problems. Some may say this is even the most important part of solving a problem, since identification does require a set of skills the lessons aim to teach them. This lesson also assists the learner to develop a native problem-solving mindset, by giving the learner the right tools to identify a problem and work towards its solution.
Recognize patterns and create effective programming
How does a package get tracked while it is on a particular route? How does the mapping of that route happen? How can the operator keep a live track of where the parcel is? All these questions are answered in this lesson program. Using programming stacks an XY tracking bot made to follow a path created by the learner. The lesson focuses on creating the ability of recognising patterns in the learners and enabling them to build effective programs. The lesson helps the learners solidify their understanding of programming blocks while being able to recognise patterns and optimise according to them.

Learn the essence of Digital Security
This lesson enables the students to use programming to lock and unlock the door for a ‘safe deposit’. At this step of the program lesson, the student learns about conditional programming thus learning the basics of programming used in the systems of the world today. The lesson also enables the students to learn about the principles of digital security, in a simplified and straightforward manner.
Discover computational thinking
Automation has come really far in the past decade and the technology to automate almost anything exists. This lesson program helps the student become well versed with the fundamental process of automation. The lesson helps the learner to build a program that identifies and dispatches a parcel based on its color. The learner builds the program to detect colors and dispatch the parcels accordingly.
The program lessons all in all work towards developing a fundamental understanding of coding, problem solving, business execution and more, all done in its most fundamental manners, so as to help more students grasp the idea.
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