Blending Education and Technology to Create a Conducive Project-Based Learning Environment for Children
Every aspect of our lives today is influenced by technology. At the press of a button on our smartphones we can do almost anything. Ordering food online requires technology and paying electricity bills is easier than ever before, thanks to an app on our smartphones. Technology has enabled us to connect with any professional service from across the world, via video conferencing medium. Entertainment is accessible at homes with video streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and Google has answers to almost all our questions, more so even via a talking bot!
Technology is not only making our lives easier, but also saving the environment. Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, thus cutting down on a whole load of impure emissions into the atmosphere. Smart home devices use Artificial Intelligence to save electricity by turning-off gadgets that are not in use. Smart appliances like refrigerators are even programmed to notify the home-owner about the fridge door being left open. LED lights and smart thermostats are scheduled to turn-off automatically at a certain time of the day when not in use.
Children engage with technology in their classrooms and complete their assignments via an app. Schools familiarise children with the ‘world of technology’ right from an early age. Understanding the importance of technology, schools from across the globe have collaborated with TechnoKids to teach children important computer skills, before they step out into the real world.
What is TechnoKids Computer Curriculum?
Going by the moto of ‘teaching the skills of tomorrow……today’, TechnoKids Computer Curriculum is a collection of technology projects that teach computer skills under 6 different categories namely; primary, junior, intermediate, senior, camp and teacher. The projects are in the form of computer-based activities for children of all ages. These computer-based e-lessons are specially designed in a way to stimulate the child’s thought-process, apply his analytical skills, collaborate with co-learners, and solve complex problems with ease while making correct decisions.

TechnoKids Opens Doors of Success and Possibilities in the Following way:
Relevant project-work readies the student for future career prospects: Careers opportunities based on the STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) require computing proficiency which may not be integrated in the regular school curriculum. TechnoKids goes a step further to deliver well-researched STEM topics that students learn in a fun manner through role-play exercises. The child assumes the role of a web developer, statistician, database administrator, financial analyst, or a computer support specialist and replicates real-world ‘job duties’ into prototype project-work that they complete in school or homes, with the help of an instructor.

Imbibing a diverse skill set amongst children: Learnings from each of the subject area are amalgamated and applied by children while brainstorming on ‘project-work’ assigned to them. Successfully completing project work requires planning, execution, and communication, which are key skills required for any job role today. This progressive thinking of making children job-ready right at school level will benefit them in the long run.

Technology projects that integrate technology and professional skills: The best part about the program is that children are not tested on the grasping power of their computer learning skills, but also challenged to follow a systematic approach to project completion. While figuring out a way to present the project, students practice goal-setting, schedule timelines, assign a leader, and collaborate with others just like the network of interdependencies between different departments in office leading towards timely delivery of project work.
These technology project kits include material aids like teachers guide, student workbooks, and resource files to create a truthy worthy learning experience.

The salient features of the TechnoKids Technology Projects that are admirable by educators & parents:
- Easily integrated into school the curriculum
- In sync with academic requirements
- Highly customized learning resources
- Clearly defined instructions stated in manual
- Pre-installed analytical tools to evaluate progress
- Offers fun and meaningful learning activities for students
- Effective project-based learning approach
Gone are those days where children were taught computing skills by practicing writing codes and studying excel formulas from a book. The new-age learning focuses on project work which readies children to learn essential skills by publish a magazine, creating multimedia storyboards, and developing a website, by students as young as elementary school level.
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